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Time-Consuming Grooming: Understanding the Reasons Behind the Lengthy Process


Updated: Dec 31

By Kristen Manning / December 26, 2024

Source: Adobe Stock / Edited by KM
Source: Adobe Stock / Edited by KM

Regardless of whether you're a first-time pet owner or a seasoned dog enthusiast, you may still have a lot of questions about the dog grooming process, including the typical duration of a grooming session. The answer is not simple, as it varies based on several factors. This post will explore the many factors that affect how long a grooming takes.

Grooming Is A Process

Source: Adobe Stock / Edited by KM
Source: Adobe Stock / Edited by KM

It is not just running a clipper over a dog quickly and doing a few snips around face. The first thing to understand is a dogs coat must be thoroughly cleaned, dried and de-matted to be cut evenly - and even then, it can take multiple passes with the clippers in one spot to accomplish this. The bath and dry time on a large, double coated Doodle for example, could take an hour alone! A small, fluffy dog could take 30-45 minutes just to bathe and dry! And there is still SO MUCH MORE that goes into the full process.

The full grooming process at So Fetch & So Clean consists of brushing, de-matting, washing, drying, more brushing, clipping, hand scissoring, more brushing, changing blades & blade combs multiple times, checking anal glands, cutting & filing nails, more brushing, photo op, disinfecting equipment and most important, developing a relationship with the dog. If there are any add ons or up-grades, that also adds more time. I like to take my time and build relationships with my furry clients so they learn to trust me - making the grooming process easier.

Multitasking Is A Must

Source: Adobe Stock / Edited by KM
Source: Adobe Stock / Edited by KM

In order for a groomer to make a decent - average income, they have to groom multiple dogs a day. Only grooming one dog every few hours WILL NOT cover my expenses for equipment, products and supplies, power, credit card fees, taxes and certainly not my hours working and trained skills. Grooming one dog at a time is not cost efficient or a good use of time management. A groomer, like me, who relies on grooming as their sole income, must rotate dogs similar to a hair salon or doctors office. They make several appointments at the same time in order to accommodate the demand and different needs. Everyone gets a bath, some are blown dry while others sit with a fan and wait to be groomed. Most groomers are experts of multitasking, but working with dogs presents obstacles that most pet owners just don't understand

Every Dog Is Different

Source: Adobe Stock
Source: Adobe Stock

Grooming time is also based on your dogs breed, age, size, coat condition, coat length, dogs ability to stand for long periods of time, dogs ability to stand still for long periods of time, dogs willingness to allow force air hand dryers, handling of nail trims and temperament. On top of these factors, there are other time consuming obstacles that may come into play such as; sometimes dogs need a couple minutes for a break in the middle of grooming due to anxiety, age, or body. Sometimes dogs poop and/or pee while in their kennels and then have to be re-bathed, re-dried and restyled!

There are times as groomers that we have to work with aggressive dogs or fearful biters. Some owners are aware of these behaviors with their dogs and are willing to admit it's an issue, while others have no idea to the behavior because the dog has never displayed them at home or around them. Sometimes the dog you cuddle with on the couch may act completely differently in a grooming setting. Either way, these behavior take extra time for the groomer to complete their job safety.

Please Don't

Please refrain from calling or dropping by to check on the status of your dog's grooming. While we understand your concern, these interruptions require the groomer to pause and respond to the question, "Is my dog finished yet?" The groomer can only give an estimated time, because of ALL the factors listed above are in play not only with your dog, but the other dogs that may be waiting in queue as well. Not only does the groomer have too refocus, but so does the dog being groomed.  All of this can lead to a large amount of the groomers time being lost.  

When a groomer says “it will be a few hours, I WILL CALL YOU when they are ready“, that is exactly what they mean.  

Patience Is Key

Source: Adobe Stock / Edited by KM
Source: Adobe Stock / Edited by KM

Grooming takes patience, skill and time. If it were easy, everyone would groom their own dogs! Some grooms may only take 2 hours, others may take 4. The time it takes to groom your dog depends on various factors that a groomer must efficiently manage.We don't waste time and being a groomer doesn't mean "we play with dogs all day". We ask that you remember that even though your dog may be the ideal dog for grooming for some dogs, going to the groomer is like pulling teeth and they may be scheduled at the same time as your dog. Please show a little empathy and understanding if your groomer is running later than usual.

There are many times unfortunately we don't get to spend one-on-one time with our furry clients because we are rushed. It is certainly not our intention to keep your dog all day but we ask that clients understand that taking our time means a less stressful experience fore everyone and a better groom for your beloved pet!



(July 8, 2021). Why is my dog at the groomer for so long?. Waggles Pet Supply and Dog Wash.


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